Psychological Safety in The Boardroom


  • Biland Sadek SDA Bocconi School of Management


psychological safety, board directors, CEO, boardroom, board governance


This study explores the importance and implications of psychological safety for board dynamics and decision-making processes and emphasizes the benefits of psychological safety, including improved team performance, a culture of learning, innovation, and enhanced company performance. The role of boardroom dynamics and biases in shaping board effectiveness is also highlighted. Dysfunctional dynamics and biases can hinder constructive dialogue and decision-making, underscoring the need for psychological safety in the boardroom. To manage psychological safety at the board level, this study introduces the Closed Loop Management System, which provides a framework for maintaining "always-on" psychological safety. By following the prescriptive framework provided, boards can enhance their performance, act in the best interests of their company and shareholders, and contribute to organizational effectiveness.


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Author Biography

  • Biland Sadek, SDA Bocconi School of Management

    Biland Sadek is an Academic Fellow bridging practice and academia in the subject of Corporate Transformations among non-digital-native companies.

    He is a well-rounded commercial executive with more than 20 years of international experience encompassing strategy, data analytics, organizational behavior, and performance optimization in the Consumer Goods industry. He is also a Non-executive Board Member.

    Biland holds an MBA from London Business School and a DBA from SDA Bocconi.   


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How to Cite

Biland Sadek 2024. Psychological Safety in The Boardroom. Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research. 3, 1 (Jan. 2024), 1–5. DOI:

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