The Effect of Knowledge Management and Innovation on Organizational Performance Through Competitive Advantages of Company Tvri Jakarta
knowledge management, innovation, competitive advantage, organizational performanceAbstract
This study aims to: 1) To determine and test the direct effect of knowledge management and innovation on competitive advantage, 2) To determine and test the direct effect of knowledge management and innovation on organizational performance, 3) To determine and test the direct effect of competitive advantage on organizational performance and 4) To determine and test the indirect effect of knowledge management and innovation on organizational performance through competitive advantage. The research was conducted at the TVRI Jakarta office. The research sample consisted of 77 people consisting of supervisors, managers and directors. Consideration of sampling at midle and top management because they can provide in managerial decision making. Data analysis using path analysis.
The results show that: 1) there is an effect of knowledge management and innovation on competitive advantage, 2) there is knowledge management and innovation on organizational performance, 3) there is an effect of competitive advantage on organizational performance, and 4) there is no influence of knowledge management and innovation on performance organization through competitive advantage on TVRI Jakarta.
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